
Key domestic projects

Shenshan Central Hospital

2021-10-03 22:12:23 1341 Release:Minxing Cable
Shenshan Central Hospital,  is a general hospital deployed by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to assist Shanwei in Shenzhen’s counterpart assistance. It is also one of the projects with the largest amount of counterpart assistance in Shenzhen. The total investment is 1.6 billion yuan. The project is located in the Central Business District of the High-speed Railway Station in Shanwei City. It covers an area of 200 acres and has a total construction area of 166,000 square meters. It is a modern Class-A general hospital integrating medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, and prevention and health care. The project officially signed a contract with Minxing Cable in 2020 to help build a high-quality medical center and benefit more people.

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