
Key domestic projects

Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center

2021-10-03 22:12:59 1300 Release:Minxing Cable
Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center is a major project invested and constructed by the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. It is constructed and operated by the China Merchants Shekou and Overseas Chinese Town Consortium. It integrates exhibitions, conferences, events (events, performing arts, etc.), catering, shopping, office, and services. The super large exhibition complex. The convention and exhibition center occupies a total area of about 1.48 million square meters. After the overall completion, the total indoor exhibition area will reach 500,000 square meters. It is a new highland in Shenzhen with a higher level of openness and a stronger radiation effect. The project was signed with Minxing Cable in 2018 and 2019, and the scale of the contract has maintained a leading position in the industry!

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